London Concert Choir
Vaughan Williams Five Mystical Songs
Alison Willis A Light Not Yet Ready to Go Out (WORLD PREMIERE)
Vaughan Williams Mass in G minor
London Concert Choir
Mark Forkgen conductor
Jack Lawrence-Jones baritone
Bethany Partridge soprano
Jessica Dandy mezzo-soprano
Hiroshi Amako tenor
Stephen Disley piano/organ
Award-winning composer Alison Willis was commissioned by choir member Adrienne Morgan to write a choral piece celebrating life, love, togetherness and hope. Subtitled ‘Affirmation’, the work emphasises the sustaining power of friends and family when living with breast cancer.
The Five Mystical Songs for baritone soloist and chorus by Vaughan Williams are set to poems by the visionary 17th-century poet and Anglican priest George Herbert. The soloist takes the lead in the first four songs, while the final movement is a hymn of praise for the choir alone, with the refrain ‘Let all the world in every corner sing: my God and King’.
The Mass in G minor has been described as one of the most beautiful and effective masses of the 20th century. Composed for use in Westminster Cathedral, this deeply felt interpretation of the words of the Latin liturgy for unaccompanied double choir and soloists is in the choral tradition of the English late Renaissance composers Byrd and Tallis, whose music had just been rediscovered.
A retiring collection will be held in aid of Breast Cancer Now, the UK’s largest breast cancer charity.
NB. Please note venue.
Duration: to be confirmed – we will update this page as soon as we have running times. Please do not call the Box Office as they do not have any further information than that currently on our website. Most events last 2 – 2½ hours, evening events generally finishing no later than 10pm Monday to Saturday and 9pm on Sundays.
Ticket Information
including an interval drink (unreserved seating)
All orders are subject to a transaction fee, except if made in person. See booking information for details, payment methods and delivery options.
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