The Cardinall’s Musick
Arvo Pärt Da pacem Domine
Byrd Mass for Four Voices – Kyrie & Gloria
Arvo Pärt Morning star
Byrd Mass for Four Voices – Credo
Arvo Pärt I am the true vine
Byrd Mass for Four Voices – Sanctus & Benedictus
Arvo Pärt Most holy Mother of God
Byrd Mass for Four Voices – Agnus Dei
Gibbons Hosanna to the Son of David
Tavener Apolytikion of St Nicholas
Gibbons O Lord, in thy wrath
Tavener The lamb
Gibbons Lift up your heads
Tavener Funeral Ikos
Gibbons Nunc dimittis (Short Service)
Tavener Love bade me welcome
Gibbons O clap your hands together
(Please note, programme may be subject to change.)
The Cardinall’s Musick
Andrew Carwood director
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A beautiful programme which sets 16th-century polyphony alongside contemporary minimalism. The mystical minimalists John Tavener and Arvo Pärt are as immersed in their religious feelings as William Byrd and Orlando Gibbons yet they come from very different traditions. Byrd’s dark-toned Mass for four voices inspired by Catholic devotion is set against Gibbons’ more suave and energetic Anglican writing.
Tavener and Arvo Pärt instead look to the Orthodox traditions of the East. These contemporary writers use a direct and powerful approach, ikon-like in its seeming simplicity but immensely powerful.
‘Truly extraordinary.’
(The New York Times)
This event has been rescheduled from 29 April 2020, 13 April & 14 October 2021.
Duration: to be confirmed – we will update this page as soon as we have running times. Please do not call the Box Office as they do not have any further information than that currently on our website. Most events last 2 – 2½ hours, evening events generally finishing no later than 10pm Monday to Saturday and 9pm on Sundays.
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Ticket Information
£36, £32, £29, £24, £19
All orders are subject to a transaction fee, except if made in person. See booking information for details, payment methods and delivery options.
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This event has passed.
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Group discounts of up to 30% are available – see series page for details
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Choral at Cadogan 2021-22
Choral music returns to the stunning acoustics of Cadogan Hall. Enjoy performances by world-class choirs including The Tallis Scholars, The Sixteen, VOCES8 and The Cardinall's Musick.

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We are thrilled to have reopened our doors again for performances of musical theatre, orchestral and choral music, opera, pop, jazz and more, reuniting live music with audiences in our safe, secure and comfortable auditorium.
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