The Gesualdo Six
Vecchi Affrettiamoci tutti di fruire
Palestrina Soave fia il morir
Monteverdi Sfogava con le stelle
Selected works from ‘Il Trionfo di Dori’:
de Macque Vaghe ninfe selvage
Massaino Sù le fiorite sponde
Anerio Sotto l’ombroso speco
Giovanelli Quand’apparisti o vag’o amata Dori
Striggio Misero Ohime
Marenzio Senza il mio sole
Monteverdi Rimanti in pace
Orologio Omnia vincit amor
del Mel Madonna io non so far
de Monte Zefiro torna
Corteccia S’altri d’amor sospira
Gesualdo Felice primavera
Gesualdo Asciugate i begli occhi
Ligeti Selection from ‘Nonsense Madrigals’
Malvezzi Lieti solcando il mare
The Gesualdo Six
Owain Park director
In light of the coronavirus outbreak and current restrictions, this performance has been cancelled.
With full support from the ensemble, we are doing our utmost to support the national effort in reducing the spread of coronavirus, and the health and well-being of all our visitors, staff members, and visiting performers is our number one priority.
Bookers will be refunded with the full cost of their tickets and any drinks or programme vouchers. If you are a booker and you would prefer a Cadogan Hall credit voucher or if the card that you paid with is no longer valid, please get in touch with the Box Office on 020 7730 4500 (Monday to Friday 10am – 4pm) or via our online form as soon as possible.
Trace the evolution of the madrigal from Claudio Monteverdi to György Ligeti in this entrancing programme.
Monteverdi led the way in a new expressive style of composition, emphasising words just as much as harmonies – and breaking the rules as he went. Palestrina, Gesualdo and Marenzio feature alongside several works of the Il Trionfo di Dori, a collection of madrigals composed in honour of the wife of a Venetian nobleman.
Ligeti’s Nonsense Madrigals parody earlier madrigals by using old compositional techniques as vehicles for humorous portrayals of texts from children’s literature by Lewis Carroll and William Brighty Rands.
‘The sheer beauty of the group’s sound… is spellbinding.’
The Daily Telegraph
Duration: to be confirmed – we will update this page as soon as we have running times. Please do not call the Box Office as they do not have any further information than that currently on our website. Most events last 2 – 2½ hours, evening events generally finishing no later than 10pm Monday to Saturday and 9pm on Sundays.
Ticket Information
£36, £32, £29, £24, £19
All orders are subject to a transaction fee, except if made in person. See booking information for details, payment methods and delivery options.
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This event has passed.
Series Discount
Series discounts of up to 20% are available – see series page for details
Group Discount
Group discounts of up to 30% are available – see series page for details
Future events in this series

Choral at Cadogan 2019-20
Presenting some of the finest choral ensembles from the UK and around the world including The Tallis Scholars and The Sixteen, UK debuts by Cupertinos and the Danish National Vocal Ensemble, and return performances by The Gesualdo Six and The Cardinall’s Musick.
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