New Chapter Author Morning: Andrew Gimson
Andrew Gimson is a political journalist and is the author of the acclaimed and updated Boris: The Rise of Boris Johnson. He has written the parliamentary sketch for The Telegraph for many years and is the author of the highly witty and extremely informative and entertaining Gimson’s Prime Ministers and Gimson’s Kings and Queens.
Duration: to be confirmed – we will update this page as soon as we have running times. Please do not call the Box Office as they do not have any further information than that currently on our website. Most events last 2 – 2½ hours, evening events generally finishing no later than 10pm Monday to Saturday and 9pm on Sundays.
Ticket Information
Please contact Ann Monk on 07703 260746 or email ann@wyards.net
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New Chapter Author Mornings
New Chapter Author Mornings – in aid of Parkinson’s UK – give the opportunity to meet fascinating writers and discuss their work.
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