New Chapter Author Morning: Geraldine Roberts
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The Angel and the Cad: Love, Loss and Scandal in Regency Britain.
The Angel and the Cad tells the remarkable true story of Britain’s first-ever celebrity couple. Catherine was the richest heiress in Regency Britain… her dashing husband was the libertine nephew of the Duke of Wellington. The glamorous couple kept the nation enthralled as the shocking twists and turns of their marriage unfolded in the press. The book received rave reviews in the national press – it was book of the week in The Times, Guardian, Telegraph, Daily Mirror and BBC History Magazine.
Geraldine Roberts left school at 18 and worked in a bank for many years. After her children were born, she took up writing as a hobby, attending creative writing classes and obtaining an MA in history from Queen Mary University of London. She is currently working on her second book.
11am: Coffee
11.30am: Talk
In aid of Parkinson’s UK.
Duration: to be confirmed – we will update this page as soon as we have running times. Please do not call the Box Office as they do not have any further information than that currently on our website. Most events last 2 – 2½ hours, evening events generally finishing no later than 10pm Monday to Saturday and 9pm on Sundays.
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Suggested donation to charity: £30
For more information and to book please email ann@wyards.net
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New Chapter Author Mornings
New Chapter Author Mornings – in aid of Parkinson’s UK – give the opportunity to meet fascinating writers and discuss their work.
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