Keeping our Audiences Safe
The health and safety of our audiences, staff and visiting artists remain our priority and we look forward to welcoming you to our safe and secure concert hall.
Updated May 2023. We reserve the right to change and or amend our conditions of entry in accordance with government advice at the time of entry.

Face Masks
There is no longer a legal requirement to wear a face-covering but you are welcome to do so. If you arrive at the Hall without a face mask, our Front of House team will be happy to provide you with one.

Enhanced Cleaning
We are following an enhanced cleaning schedule for all our front of house and backstage areas.

To reduce contact at the box office, customers will be sent e-tickets to show at the door either on their phone or as a print out.

Fresh Air Ventilation
Our ventilation systems pull fresh air from outside through HEPA filters and vents back out through separate extraction, to ensure a continuous source of fresh clean air. Air is never recirculated.

Hand Sanitiser
We provide hand sanitiser upon entry and at suitable points throughout the Hall.
We always follow government guidance and practice industry-wide ‘See It Safely’ recommendations.