The Sixteen at Christmas 2020
Traditional The truth from above
Will Todd My Lord has come
Palestrina Rorate caeli
Howard Skempton Adam lay ybounden
Byrd Rorate caeli
Traditional Gabriel’s message
Nicholas Allan Jesus’ Christmas Party*
plainsong Veni, veni Emmanuel
Jonathan Dove I am the Day
Traditional Wexford Carol
Lassus Laetentur caeli
Ord Adam lay ybounden
Byrd Laetentur caeli
Clement Clarke Moore The Night before Christmas*
Leontovich Carol of the Bells
McDowall Now may we singen
The Sixteen
Harry Christophers conductor
Simon Callow narrator*
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The Sixteen’s performances on Tuesday 15 December are still able to go ahead. Unfortunately, as London will be under Tier 3 restrictions from Wednesday 16 December, we are sorry to announce that The Sixteen’s performances on Wednesday 16 December have been cancelled. Bookers are being contacted and will be refunded for the full value of their tickets and any drinks vouchers purchased.
You can be able to watch the concert online on Wednesday 23 December as part of The Sixteen’s Choral Odyssey series. Full details below.
The Sixteen’s programme for Christmas 2020 weaves six centuries of choral masterpieces into a stunning celebration of music written for the voice.
Works from the golden age of polyphony by Byrd, Lassus, Palestina and Victoria, prefaced by haunting medieval plainsong, are presented side-by-side with music by 20th century and living composers that, like Ord’s Adam lay ybounden, have already become an unmistakable and indispensable part of sound of Advent.
We are so pleased to present this traditional, much-loved seasonal performance with Harry Christophers’ Sixteen in our safe, secure and comfortable auditorium.
‘Thought-provoking and never predictable.’
The Guardian
Download the concert programme (pdf)
Watch the concert online
This concert was filmed and is available to watch online as a paid-for stream until 31 January.
Duration: approx. 75 mins (no interval)
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Ticket Information
£47, £38, £31
All orders are subject to a transaction fee. See booking information for details, payment methods and delivery options.
This event has passed.
Watch the concert online
This concert was filmed and is available to watch online as a paid-for stream until 31 January.
Find out more and book tickets
(Please note: the stream is not being broadcast by Cadogan Hall and we are unable to help with any technical issues arising from the stream.)
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